Thursday 29 December 2016

My Tips On Getting Ahead in 2017

Hello all, I hope you all had a marvellous Christmas!

Now 2016 has earned a reputation for not treated us all that nicely. A year where politics flipped on its head, major decisions were made to affect the future of our livelihoods and economy  and many of us lost way to many of our celebrity icons. Well, 2016 has only a few days left to do it's worst to us before we welcome in 2017. 

Recently, with many big uni and career moves set for next year, I've been working on building a super solid, focused mindset on how I'm going to go about achieving my own personal goals and making the most of every new opportunity that is thrown at me. So here is my compiled list of some tips to consider if you too are looking to make your life a whole lot better in 2017- enjoy!

My Top 10 Tips

1. That extra reading uni suggested you do? Do it. Sometimes it's difficult to balance our time these days between friends, family, sleep, work and down time, but taking some time to pick up some sort of reading material is always a good idea. This reading material doesn't have to be a textbook, or even a book at all. Reading small articles, journals and blog posts can be just as educating and much more digestible, especially if you lack time. I find reading on the train on a morning commute is a great way to wake up your mind to the day ahead.

2. Emails. Now this sounds super simple and obvious but staying on top of emails as a student/intern/employee is important. Make a habit of checking your emails, especially your spam/junk mail as nowadays unfortunately some important emails can get caught up in there and go unnoticed (speaking from experience). Also, check your outbox, especially if sending emails whilst on the go. Unfortunately train journeys aren't often blessed with the best wifi signal, and emails often go unsent (again, speaking from experience). Keep on top of deleting unimportant and read emails asap to avoid feeling overwhelmed and unorganised.

3. Me time. Taking time to relax is so important. Be this taking a long bath after a hard day, taking time to pamper yourself or even just to catch up on some blog posts that you've been waiting to read all count as 'me time'. Relaxing is all part of living a balanced lifestyle and is important to ensure our brains are working to the best of their ability, keeping stress levels down and allowing us to process our days and grow mentally. 

4. Skincare. Keeping to a structured skincare routine can seem like a drag, it's true. However, with the amount of good quality beauty brands today, we really are the generation that can pick and choose whatever type of skincare products and combine them to create the perfect routine for our individual lifestyle and habits. A good skincare routine, that you enjoy undertaking and makes you feel pampered is the goal!

5. Being prepared. As a 20 year-old student, right now I'm making the steps to create my future. Interviews, exams, essays and socialising are my life and being prepared in each of these situations is super important. Making a good impression, in terms of taking the time to consider the appropriate clothes, make-up, attitude and making sure you wear a smile are vital. Taking an extra 10 minutes to prepare snacks, making sure you've packed everything you need before a big day and double-checking your time-keeping can help you to slay every opportunity.

6. Wear what you want. Learning to not care what people think is a process and is something that I feel comes in waves. We all have down days, where we maybe second guess ourselves a little more than usual, this is normal and totally ok. But, taking the attitude of knowing your self-worth, knowing what you stand for and knowing what you like is important. Think of Lady Gaga whenever you worry whether that outfit you love is ugly and no one else likes it, wear it for you, wear it with confidence and just have fun with it!

7. Putting yourself first. This isn't selfish, it's important. Now I'm not talking about becoming a cold, self-centred narcissist when I talk about this. Putting your needs and well-being first in your life, as a young woman is important and is very much an act of self-love. Understanding that our mistakes do not define us, those who leave us didn't deserve to stay and reminding yourself of who you really are when you doubt yourself are all things I like to live by.

8. Push yourselves. So yeah, putting yourself out there is scary but also very necessary. The saying 'everything is temporary' applies greatly to this. Getting too comfortable in a certain situation is a bad move, sometimes we lose sight of where we are heading, what we stand for and don't take the opportunities that could lead us to the next chapter of our lives. Yes, you will feel nervous, scared. teary and out of your depth sometimes, but these are all GOOD emotions. They show us that we are stepping out of our comfort zone. As long as you have an idea of the path you want to take, don't be afraid to leap towards it.

9. Consider all your options. At this age, it is very important not to narrow your options. Be this in terms of your career, or your social life. Sometimes we fail at something and this leads us down a completely different path, one that works much better for us than the previous. Losing friends or previous acquaintances because you have realised your differences or grown apart may leave you feeling lost momentarily, but realising that this means a new chapter of your life is just beginning is important. Don't be afraid to step outside of the box creatively, take a risk, weigh up your options and take some time to get your head round something that has been challenging you. You might find that it isn't as scary as you once thought.

10. Let your hair down. It's important to enjoy yourselves, make mistakes and make memories. Take time to turn off social media and absorb a moment. Take the time to appreciate when things in your life are looking positive and let yourself laugh and be happy. The best feeling is absorbing that moment when you laugh so much you cry. Take photos to keep or don't take photos at all, just try to enjoy every experience you have, whether good or bad. 

Thursday 22 December 2016

On The Nice List: My Festive Style Picks

Hello all! It's almost Christmas eek!

Today I'd like to share with you some style inspo 
for the key looks and accessories that I'll be donning this season, 
with all the parties and festivities around the corner.

These trends are definitely on my nice list! 

velvet, particularly velvet in shades of wine, emerald or navy blue.

it's the season of excess, so why not not make more even more 
and bring out the leopard print in full force!

architectural and hooped earrings add an instant wow-factor.

silky cami dresses that just fall off your shoulders 
glamourously after a couple of glasses of prosecco.

emerald green, tree green, anything green.

pretty and elegant ruffles that flatter perfectly.

fur and little dresses. 

bold makeup. bring out those primary colours.

beads and embellishments. anything galactic is a win.

Sunday 18 December 2016

This Week I'm Posting...

Hello all! So it's a week until Christmas, how crazy is that!
At one of the busiest, and sometimes most stressful times of the year, we all need a little inspiration and future-thinking to get us slaying as always!

So here's some inspo for you straight off the press...

Follow me:

This Week I'm Posting...



the stranger things kids

red everything

a little bit of pink satin

silver 'bacofoil' leather jackets


rimless glasses

yes we are

mules/heels/interesting heel shapes

Thursday 15 December 2016

Style Icon: Chloe Sevigny

Hello all and a very happy Thursday to you!

Chloe Sevigny has been a style icon for the fashion world since the 90's, often regarded as 'the coolest girl in the world', which is quite the statement to live up to, huh?

The actress who's starred in many the cult film from 'Kids', 'Boys Don't Cry' to 'Brown Bunny', now 41, still attains her cool/It Girl status so she must be doing something very right.

Sevigny has always adopted a style that states 'wear what you want and only what you want' and don't feel obliged to wear something just because everyone else is or fashion says that it is cool. It seems as Chloe went forth and did her own thing when it came to style, she was respected for it and as the 90's fashion revival rolls on, Chloe is as relevant to fashion than ever.

It's quite the challenge to deduce Sevigny's style down to a few describing words. She's not defined as a classic beauty and some say that doesn't have the sex appeal of Kate Moss (not sure I completely agree). But Chloe does have one thing, coolness. Back in the 90's, she had the ability to make the ugliest of clothes look incredible- whether that was a pair of wide-leg trousers or a sporty crop top.

In a way, she makes you want everything she wears, regardless of how outlandish it is even though you know that it could never look the same on you. She has the ability to make anything look cool.

Sevigny has always said that she has a love for 70's fashion and anything prairie. But she also has a soft spot for short shorts, a hat, exposed bras, fur and red lipstick.

Here are some of my favourite looks of hers below, enjoy and be inspired!

none of these photos are mine.

Monday 12 December 2016

This Week I'm Posting... Looking to S/S 17

Hello all, apologies that this weekly post was a day late!
 I'm now home from uni and super excited for the festive season- this week I've been really looking ahead to the trends and designers that are going to be shaping SS17. 
It's great to get ahead eh!

So here's some SS17 inspiration for you all, enjoy!

This Week I'm Posting...

metal bags

architectural earrings

these mules

high neck ruffles

Mediterranean aesthetics

pleats please

tie waist trousers 

little bit of Victoriana 

arty make-up

this look

none of these photos are mine.

Monday 5 December 2016

Photographers You Should Know About: Jamie Hawkesworth

Hello all, today I would like to share with you the work of a photographer of which I have been absolutely loving of late, that I think you guys should know about.

Preston-born Jamie Hawkesworth's approach to photography is one of subtlety and elegance, all with playful references to Britain's heritage. What I love about Jamie's work is the ability to take an  unglamourous subject and make it compelling and beautiful, for example Jamie's work which portrays the reality of life in the north of England. I find myself completely absorbed in Jamie's work through the use of dreamy almost surrealist colour contrast, sharpness and the use of brightness and shadow within each piece. 

His editorial commissions are published in Acne Paper, AnOther, Dazed & Confused, i-D, Love, Vogue amongst many other publications. Alongside this he has also created catalogue and campaign work for Alexander McQueen, J.W. Andersen, Loewe and Miu Miu. Jamie is definitely one to watch in the fashion world.

Here's some of my favourite pieces of his work below...

enjoy and be inspired!