Thursday 16 February 2017

5 Days in Milan.


Hello all! 

So today I wanted to share with you a little mini review, if you like, of a recent trip I took to one of the world's greatest fashion capitals, Milan, Italy.

I really wanted to provide an honest opinion of my experience there, with the highs, the lows and the places that you just must-see!

As an overview, Milan would be best described as an eclectic mix of the very old and beautiful and the very new in terms of architecture. The people of Milan tend to know what they are talking about in terms of fashion, food and alcohol and will let you know their opinion unapologetically (gulp). The food is good, the coffee even better and it is the ideal place for exploring new beauty brands and fashion labels that you have never heard of before. 

Here's some flicks from my trip, enjoy!:

Piazza Del Duomo.
The centre of Milan for tourists and natives alike. Here you'll find high street brands alongside designer boutiques. A great spot to explore at night, the shops stay open late and the Campari bar is a must-visit.

Fashion is everywhere.
Walking through the streets, it is hard to miss magazine stands full-to-bust with up and coming fashion publications and creatives dressing windows with new exciting concepts. Inspiration is everywhere.

Embrace the coffee. 
I must admit, I came to Milan as the kind of girl that put 4 sugars in her coffee and preferred it with a glug of syrup all together. In Milan, you must do as the Milanese do and try espressos. Honestly, I may never go back to lattes ever again. The strength and flavour of Italian coffee is unrivalled and very consistent from each bar to cafe. If you want to ease yourself gently into the stronger flavours, try an 'espresso con panna', an espresso with cream which is more sweet and easier to drink.

Be experimental with your style.
Coming to Milan, I knew that I wanted to embrace the Italian style in terms of what I was going to bring back home with me. I've always admired Italian style for its garishness and feel that it aligns with my own personal style very well. I mean it isn't for everyone for sure, I don't think I've ever seen so much real fur being worn in my life. If I had to give a tip, I'd say check out your favourite stores such as Zara and H&M as I found that their instore collections were completely different to what they offer back home. 

The pigeons of Duomo.
The Duomo is described as the epicentre of Milan, and is always super busy. It's a great place to take photos, but stay away from the pigeons if you can as they won't shy away from coming and landing on you (shudder, never again).

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.
As one of the oldest shopping malls in the world, it doesn't disappoint and is a must-see when in Milan. Filled with designer shops, a couple pizzerias and swanky bars, the Galleria is a sight to see. It is a tourist hotspot, so expect crowds but don't forget to look up at the ceiling paintings and amazing glass dome.

Don't be afraid of designer.
Milan is the home of designer, and I must admit being around such luxury can feel daunting with the urge to explore but not be a bother to shop attendants looking for sales being an issue. When in Milan, you have to put that feeling of being daunted by luxury aside and appreciate the instore concepts and products, even if you don't intend to buy- it's all about the inspiration honey! Most of the time, shop attendants don't have a problem with you just browsing and often revel in having the opportunity to talk to you in more detail about products.

Explore at night.
I have the belief that every city you visit should be explored both in the day and at night, as it often feels like you are in a completely different destination at night. With visting in February, I was greeted with mainly rainy evenings but I definitely could appreciate that Milan is a wonderful city to explore at night, drink wine and roam the streets looking glam. 

The Armani Hotel.
Giorgio Armani is much-loved in Milan and it seemed you couldn't move for a mention of his hotels, bars, cafes and museums dotted around the city. Take a visit to the Bamboo Lounge at The Armani Hotel and enjoy a drink or two. It's understandably relatively expensive but worth it for the experience of being fully immersed in the luxurious world of Armani. The Bamboo Lounge even smelt like bamboo!

Look up and Look down.
Milan has some of the most beautiful architecture and decor that I have ever seen, personally. It is a place that offers luxuriously decorated restaurants and bars with marble floors, stone statues and a lot of glass. Italian architecture is something to relish in, and hey why not let it compliment your outfit for an Insta post too!

It's Been A While.

Hello everybody,
So it's been a while since I've posted, hasn't it.

Uni and life have taken over and I must be honest in saying that at times, I've really been at a loss of creativity and imagination.

I feel like creativity comes in waves.

Sometimes, you're riding high, with too many ideas in your head, bouncing off each other.

Other times, other parts of your life and practicalities take over that can drain your energy.

January was definitely a lull for me, but hopefully I can come back and serve up some interesting content for you all as the days get warmer and Spring edges around the corner. I mean it is a very exciting time of year for fashion of course (LFW wahey)!

So hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of my little life and fashion commentaries soon, and in the words of Britney 'I know I shouldn't of kept you waiting, but I'm here now'.