Monday 28 November 2016

A Bit Of A Personal Fashion Commentary

Hello all, so today's post is a little bit different than normal. For awhile now, I've been very conscious of the fact that I have a massive chunk of myself that you guys don't really get to see, my own personal style, things that differentiate me from the rest of the crowd I guess. 

I love fashion, I love politics and I love talking about the issues that strike a chord within me (there's been many of late) but I must admit that on top of all this, I have been on a bit of my own personal journey, discovering, creating and remodelling my own style and what works for me when it comes to all things hair. clothes and make-up.

So as mildly nervous as this makes me to open up about these kind of things, I guess you have to have faith in what you've got going for yourself, right? so here goes...

1. I'm a massive fan of wearing my hair long and straight in a centre-parting, I feel this best frames my face and gives quite a chilled versatile look that goes with anything, glam or slouchy.

2. I'm a fan of anything garish at the moment, frills, ruffles and high necks. Man, I love a high neck. I always find myself drawn to clothes that have those garish 70's curtain patterns, or are deep green, orange, navy or black in colour just because I find these the most complimenting against my hair and skin.

2. I love a v-neck, and tops that I don't have to wear a bra with.

3. Silver. I'm mad about it. Long-gone are my days of gold chains, silver glows against my pale skin and I feel like its gold's more chic counterpart.

4. I like to dress like a 'lad' sometimes. Puffer jacket, black trousers and jumpers. I feel comfy and like I haven't tried too hard and I love that.

5. Blue is my colour. Pin stripes compliment my skin. And, if there is a pop of red in there somewhere, all the better.

6. Best investment of the year so far. So comfy and effortless, this jacket goes with everything.

7. Here I am reaching for curtain fabric again. Some days I look like a flower child and that's ok.

8. And finally, look we can't have it all. I love mustard clothes but they don't love me. Did someone say Wotsit?

Hope you enjoyed that... i'm a work in progress.

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