Thursday, 8 September 2016

Be Badass! and More Words Of Wisdom for September.

So September is the yearly mark for new beginnings for many of us, be it returning to school/uni, a new job, a new career pathway or new starts in our personal life. After having the summer to let our hair down, space out and reflect on the first half of the year, we're back and ready to hit the grindstone.

 Here are some words of wisdom for you all from various sources, the words that have really struck a chord with me and those which I feel are most inspirational...

let's slay September!

your energy introduces you before you even speak.

not everyone deserves your friendship, your care or your love, and some don't even deserve the words to explain why.

your voice is important, tell others their's are too.

let things go.

turn soft and lovely anytime you have the chance.

self love isn't selfish, it's important.

leave people softer, brighter and calmer than you found them.

compare yourself only to your previous self.

stop being friends with people you don't really like.

don't depend on anyone.

make your happiness a priority.

don't say maybe if you want to say no.

develop a strong opinion about yourself so that you are not deceived into believing what other people say about you.

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