Tuesday 11 October 2016

Style Inspo: Adrienne La Russa in 'Pyschout For Murder' (1969)

Hello loves! Today I'd like to share with you a massive source of style inspiration of mine. Now, I have always been a massive fan of late 60's/70's style since I can remember, but with the recent 70's revival seen on the catwalks and in the high street, I've never been more obsessed.

60's Italian film has often been regarded as a massive source of fashion inspiration, and recently, when I came across the 1969 film 'Pyschout For Murder', I could see why.

The film follows the character Licia, played by the beautiful Adrienne La Russa, who is the daughter of a wealthy Italian industrialist who institutionalises her after being caught hanging around a brothel with her blackmailing boyfriend. Licia doesn't take well to being a pawn in her family's PR manuevering or her boyfriend's greed and takes her revenge in the manipulation and murder of everyone around her (morbid i know, but completely badass!)

All this is done in a perfectly executed wardrobe of late 60's glossiness, with mini-skirts, tight-ribbed sweaters, tinted glasses with a touch of pyschadelic, Pucci-esque prints alongside nods to the forthcoming muted tones of the 70's.

What's not to love about a well-dressed badass with eyelashes to die for!

Here's some inspiration for you from the film, isn't La Russa a beauty!...

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